Monday, May 14, 2012

The attempt to ban

There has been many attempts, and some success in banning Energy drinks. One may wonder how and why someone would want to ban a drink that increases energy, but many people dont know that there has been over 100 deaths due to energy enhancing drinks since 2007. But the other half of the story is that over half of those deaths were due to alcohol and energy drinks being used together, a big concoction of chemicals. France banned Redbull after a 18 year old athelete died from drinking four cans of the energy drinks after playing basketball. But is it wise to ban a $10 plus billion dollar market from the world? If you ask me, its not worth it, just learn moderation.
"Energy Drink." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 13 May 2012. Web. 14 May 2012. .

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